Due to February's snowstorm, the frequent below 0° temperatures and some infrastructure upgrades on site, we have temporarily put our Nursery work parties on hold. Now that the snow is gone we're in the process of installing a new work shelter that will make future work parties more comfortable and efficient.
We will recommence work parties shortly, though we don't have a date set yet. There are a few different consideration to take into account as we plan for our next volunteer event at the Nursery. As summarized by our resident forestry expert: "I see no need to hasten work parties for other than weed removal. Cold weather can return at nearly any time, compromising the benefit of re-potting any of the 2018 germinants in the small cavities. I suggest mid-late April as a better time. By then warmer temps will favour root development into the new soil material and larger cavity size. Leaf emergence likely will need more time – likely a month later. Assuming we do not have such a heat blast as last May’s, we should have top growth regulated by the healthy roots and our tending: weeding, watering and fertilizing." What that means for us is that we likely won't be planting acorns or repotting our oaks until the weather warms up enough. Weeding can still happen in the meantime, so that might mean work parties will start again pretty soon once the new shelter is up and ready. Stay tuned as we'll be back soon with more info! Comments are closed.
March 2022