To visit us on Instagram -- click here
Our Instagram is YOUR Instagram! We want you to share your favourite Garry oak related photos with us (and everyone else in the world) on Instagram! In 1992 we were concerned about the disappearing Garry Oak woodlands and meadows so we formed a society in Victoria, BC to help address the preservation, protection and restoration of Garry Oak habitat. We want to be able to share Garry oak ecosystems with our grandchildren! Send us your favourite Garry oak related photo to [email protected] and each week we will post them on our Instagram page. Remember, this is the internet - we can not guarantee any rights, access or image controls. Anything you submit to us, if we accept and post it, will be credited to you (if you provide your name) -- but it will go out onto the Internet, and into the universe, and be subject to the same policies as all Instagram users. The Instagram details, policies and guidelines can be found on the Instagram web site's Help Centre but we simply ask that you follow their Community Guidelines and remember, don't send us any pictures that you wouldn't want your grandma to see! Photos sent to GOMPS should be emailed in JPG/JPEG format, 200 - 600 DPI resolution and must be in a square format! Please provide contact information as we may verify your permission before posting. All images received will be credited to the sender or another photographer if specified/cited. GOMPS will not use submitted photographs for any other purpose without expressed written permission from the sender. Our goal is to promote Garry oak ecosystems and we can think of no better way to share the love of Garry oaks than with a photo! Photos may be submitted to [email protected] but please note - not all photos will be posted immediately, we are not computers, just volunteers. If the volume of submissions is high we will post images as time permits. |
March 2022