Sage advice from VNHS President Darren Copley on the Linden Looper caterpillars which seem to be chewing away at some of the Garry oak trees:
Typically this problem fixes itself, so wait it out. Not much can be done to prevent the current generation of caterpillars from finishing their life cycle as they should be pupating soon, but plan on tackling things for next year. For fall and winter, this problem can likely be treated like the winter moth as Erranis females are wingless. See the GOERT pdf which includes options for control using Tree bands to prevent the females from laying eggs at and here's another good page on tree banding: While Btk can be used earlier in the year to kill all young Lepidoptera (moths and butterflie) Larvae, think twice before using it in or near a sensitive ecosystem with rare butterflies -- Btk is non-selective and kills all larvae! Other great predators of these looper larvae are Chestnut-backed Chickadees. Also, be careful not to stomp on any caterpillars that look like they have eggs layed on the outside of their bodies. This could be from a parasitic wasp or fly which will hopefully help out over time. Our Spring 2014 Newsletter is ready!
Just click here to get the PDF version of the Garry Oak Leaflet, Spring 2014. If you need a PDF Reader, try a free PDF viewer download from Adobe With the passing of Tom Gillespie, GOMPS is without a Treasurer. GOMPS invites qualified volunteers to contact us if you are interested in volunteering as Treasurer.
We are a not-for-profit registered with Canada Revenue Agency so qualified applicants should be familiar with current accounting practices, the tax laws of Canada/British Columbia and the reporting procedures involved. Other duties include managing accounts, investments and tracking expenses and dealing with utility providers/suppliers and related account for our tree nursery. Reviewing financial patterns, coaching Board members and helping our Society to manage its finances are a main focus but the opportunity to be directly involved in the horticultural operation of a tree nursery is also possible! Interested persons should contact the GOMPS President, Mr. Hal Gibbard, in writing c/o 1439 Wende Road, Victoria BC V8P 3T7 or by email [email protected] - please send a resume and cover letter detailing your experience, skills and tell us why you want to be a part of the Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society! |
March 2022