GOMPS AGM GARRY OAK NURSERY ESTABLISHMENT & FUTURE DATE: Monday, April 24, 2017 TIME: 7:00-9:00PM LOCATION: UVic, Rm C118, David Strong Building (Evening parking is available on-site for $3 after 6PM) Please join GOMPS (Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society) for its AGM & to celebrate the Establishment of GOMPS Garry Oak Nursery! GOMPS Board is excited to share with you an update on the establishment of GOMPS Garry oak nursery & plans for its future as well as a celebratory cake! The nursery ground is being prepared now and we hope to move our new seedlings (grown from locally-sourced acorns) this month into the nursery. Volunteer opportunities will then be available. Please remember to renew your membership (just $15 individual, $20 for family) to support this venture and/or advocacy for Garry oak meadows. ALSO: As our Board is always looking for new members, please consider letting your name stand for election - everybody wins! Please NOTE: Our updated GOMPS website: http://www.garryoak.info and our Gmail address: [email protected] There have been many exciting changes at GOMPS. Do you have any questions for our Directors? Have you renewed your membership for 2017? You can email us or use our Contact Form on the website. Memberships will be sold at the AGM. Your voice is important as is your support and we look forward to seeing you at our AGM! Garry oaks' future is in all our hands! GOMPS Board of Directors Contact: [email protected] Website: http://www.garryoak.info Comments are closed.
November 2024